Monday, October 24, 2011

How can i fix or find a short in the electrical system?need info on how to troubleshoot an electrical problem ?

already changed battery and alternator. even when turned off it draws power.dies while runningHow can i fix or find a short in the electrical system?need info on how to troubleshoot an electrical problem ?If you don't have appropriate tools,including a good meter, you're best off taking it in to a shop.

If a car dies while running due to no voltage the charging system isn't doing what it should. Off hand I would suspect the new alternator; either if was defective or damaged on installation. Another possibility is that you have an external voltage regulator that is bad and not allowing the alternator to do it's job.

A good meter is best but even a $10.00 voltmeter from Radio Shack or an autoparts store will tell you if the alternator is putting +/- 14.6 Volts on the battery. If it isn't, ask an auto parts store if your vehicle uses an external voltage regulator; if it does, replace it.How can i fix or find a short in the electrical system?need info on how to troubleshoot an electrical problem ?Take the vehicle to an auto electrical shop.