Thursday, June 2, 2011
How do you change a alternator belt on a 95 isuzu pick up?
show pictures on how to change the beltHow do you change a alternator belt on a 95 isuzu pick up?take it to a mechanic. it is very complexHow do you change a alternator belt on a 95 isuzu pick up?There should be one pulley that is just used for's most always smooth and rides on the back of the belt.put a wrench or whatever you can on it to turn it clockwise and it should be spring loaded.It will relieve the tension on the belt.Pull the belt off and put on a new one.How do you change a alternator belt on a 95 isuzu pick up?there are different types of pulley setups on different vehicles. there could be the tensioner pulley setup, as stated in the previous post, but it could also be the older setup. if you buy a haynes manual (or clyner, whichever, i prefer haynes) it will have the pictures showing you exactly what to do, step by step. manuals typically cost less than $20. it is not complicated by any means if youre a fairly intelligent individual with any mechanical sense at all.