How do I change an alternator in a car
How to change an alternator in a car?Disconnect your battery, loosen the main mounting bolt underneath, loosen belt tensioner(not sure on that model if it has a spring tensioner or just and old school slide tensioner), either way remove the belt, Disconnect the connections make sure you mark the cables and their locations with some tape or a marker or something just as an easy cheat..Should only be 3 connections battery positive and negative, and also exciter wire some cars have a few more as they get a feedback from the alternator for the ECM.. Sojust make sure everything is marked before you disconnect everything..Then remove all bolts and done shes out..How to change an alternator in a car?You should really get a Hayes or Clymer manual. It's one of the easiest jobs, but it's a lot of steps. I can say if you're handy at all, know which way to turn a nut to tighten or loosen, and can follow directions, you can do it. Having said that, are you sure the alternator is your problem? That's in those manuals as well. How to change an alternator in a car?if you give us a year make and model along withe the engine, we might be able to help, but at this point i do not have the information. How to change an alternator in a car?take the negative off the battery, take the belt off, unbolt the alternator, remove wiring.How to change an alternator in a car?The best advice I can give you is to pick up a repair manual that is specific to your type of vehicle. Any good parts store should be able to help you with that, or even Border's books, or a similar store. The ez quick answer is get the right size wrench/sockets, loosen the bolts, remove the belt, disconnect the wires(after first disconnecting the battery) then removing the unit itself. Swap out any reuseables, (belt guards etc) and reverse the procedure. The repair book will be alot more specific though, on whether the alt. goes in from the top or the bottom, and any weirdness that the LOVELY geniuses we call...... AUTO ENGINEERS built into your car. Find an auto engineer, and SLAP them. HARD. Thanks! hehehe
Good luckHow to change an alternator in a car?First take off your postivie battery terminal, and then find your alternator bolts and then loosen them and then take off the electrial plug on the top of alternator and the take out the 2 bolts, and then take the belt off, and then put on the new alternator and belt and tighten up the bolts and plug in the eletrical plug back into the alternator.